The purpose of  The New England Traders Group (NETG) is to provide
everyone with a high quality, extensive and reliable  tape
library/database.  To start, we are only going to include Phish tapes.
However, as time goes by and word gets out we are hoping to include
several other bands.

The structure will go something like this inititally: There will be one
'contact ' person per state that will be responsible for compiling a
master tape list, answering questions, and putting people in touch with
one another. Currently, we have a contact person in Massachusetts, Maine
and Connecticut, and Vermont.

We ask everybody that is interested to please email their respective
contact person your list with only your best quality (phish) shows.
Obviously, everyones idea of what 'high quality' is, differs.  So, as
things get going and you receive a tape that you honestly don't believe
should be considered high-quality, just notify your state contact person
who in turn will either remove that one tape or give it out as a last
resort.  This way we will eventually weed out the poorer quality tapes.

Each contact person will then merge everyone's list into one master
list.  So, for example, you lived in VT and you were looking for a HQ
copy of 8/13/93 you would email your contact person who, in turn, would
look at his/her master list to see who had this show.  The contact
person would then write you back with the emails of the people that had
that specific tape.
If nobody has that show in VT then that state's contact person would
contact the other state's contacts.

Rather than posting a blind ad and hoping someone responds, you can just
use this database. By giving us your lists you are helping to create an
extensive, high quality public list.

We want this to be semi-permanent thing, meaning, that by submitting
your list to us you are agreeing to have your email given out for a
possible trade.  We understand things come up, school/work gets crazy,
people go away and thats all expected and we realize that people are not
going to be able to honor every tape-trade that gets requested.
Initially, you may get very few
(or no) requests but then things could (hopefully) pick up.  To have
your list removed from the database all you would do is email your state
contact person.

Also, when submitting your lists, please state whether or not you'd be
willing to spin for newbie deals.  We dont want to exclude anyone and we
understand that not everyone has something to trade.  Therefore, if
someone writes to us asking about a trade for B & P we would go through
our list and ONLY give out those emails of the people willing.

Lists should be submitted in the following format (or as close to):

Date/ Sets (I, II, I & II)/ Source/Gen (if known)/Rating (should be
A/A-/A+)/misc. comments (if any)

We are hoping to create a bad traders list once the initial master lists
are compiled.

If you are interested in submitting your list, please email it to the
following people:
New Hampshire - John JROC414555@aol.com
Rhode Island - George dankbrew420@yahoo.com
New Jersey - John jfarrell@ems.att.com
Connecticut - Amy    aplympto@limra.com
Maine - Will    wherrman@bowdoin.edu
Vermont - Phil    psvoboda@bu.edu
Massachusetts - Jennifer    jendon@ziplink.net

We are sure many things will come up along the way and we will deal with
each question/idea/comment as it comes.

Thanks for your interest and please, contact us with any suggestions.

Phil and Jennifer
Please contact either Phil (psvoboda@bu.edu) or Jennifer (jendon@ziplink.net) with any questions. 
*************************SEND IN YOUR LISTS TODAY*********************** 

Andy Gadiel's Phish Page
since 2/2 10:22 CST