Photo by Galen Powell
Once upon a time there was a mountain that rose out of a vast green
forest. And in the forest there were birds and lakes and rocks and trees
and rivers. The forest was also inhabited by a small group of people
called the lizards. The lizards were a simple people and they had lived
in the forest undisturbed for thousands of years in utter peace and
Once a year when spring came, and the first blossoms began to show, the
lizards would gather at the base of the mountain, to give thanks for all
that they had. They thanked the birds and they thanked the lakes and they
thanked the rocks and the trees and the rivers; but most importantly, they
thanked Icculus.
Icculus lived at the top of the mountain, or at least everyone thought so,
for no one had actually ever seen him. But they knew he existed, because
they had the Helping Friendly Book. Icculus had given the Helping
Friendly Book to the Lizards thousands of years earlier as a gift. It
contained all of the knowledge inherent in the universe, and had enabled
the Lizards to exist in harmony with nature for years.
Ahhh! Divided Sky, the wind blows high
Mountain Narration
More to come...
The Gamehendge Saga
Andy's Phish Page
Andrew Gadiel