5/19/99 The Fillmore, Denver, CO I: (Trey Accoustic) Taste, Farmhouse, Brian & Robert, Mountains in the Mist, Another Train Song, Wading in a Velvet Sea, Billy Breathes*, When The Circus Comes, The Real Country Song > Guyute II: First Tube, Jiboo, Heavy Things, Circles, Mozambique, Ooh Child Keyboard Intro > Sand > Drums, I Can See Clearly Now E: Windora Bug, Voodo Child * Trey on Piano. The Venue: Gorgeous space, plush carpeting, chandeliers, amazing sound, friendly staff, incredible wall of photos and posters. Thanks to TK for writing down the setlist next to me. Thanks to Judd Serlen for the hospitality.Thanks to Phish.Net, aLi McDowell for the after-show phone call and to both aLi and Jesse and Rob Johnson for the email!
05/17/99 Flynn Theatre - Burlington, Vermont - Benefit for the Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS) I: Farmhouse, Snowflakes in the Sand, Brian and Robert, Driver, Get Back on the Train, Mountains in the Mist, Runaway Jim, Billy Breathes* Then Trey introduced the Tuttle Middle school jazz band led by Dave "the Truth" Grippo and played 'In the mood" and "Jumpin at the wood" thn Trey came out with the electric guitar and played a James Brown song with the Jazz band. II: The Wind Cries Mary, Heavy Things, First Tube, Ooh Child, Sand > Drums, I Can Hear Clearly Now, Aqui Como Alla, Free Thought, Then Came You**, Last Tube** E: Further On Up The Road***, Voodoo Child (slight return)**** * - with Trey on Page's baby grand piano ** - with the Fredrick Tuttle Middle School Jazz Band and Dave Grippo *** - with Dave Grippo, Mike Gordon, Page McConnell and Jon Fishman **** - with Phish Thanks to The Phish.Net, Julia Mordaunt, Mike King and John Thomson for the setlist! Thanks to CptTrip420@aol.com for the Turtle school info
5/15/99 - Albany, NY I: Short Insrumental(could have been Ministrone), Get back on the Train, Farmhouse, Kissed by Mist*, Beauty of my Dreams, Wading in a Velvet Sea, Snowflakes in the Sand, Possum**, Billy Breathes***, Country Tune^ II: Where They Hoped I'd Be, Last Tube, WindoraBug, Mozambique^^, Jiboo, Bell Bottom Blues, Symptom^^^ > Drums#, Come One (Part I) E: Wind Cries Mary, Ooh Child * - Dedicated to Julia Butterfly with a story told about her **- During the part at the end where "posuuuuum" is sung three times, the audience sang the last two parts. Trey played that chord for a whole lot longer than usual. At one point, He drank his beer while strumming with the other hand while the audience tried to hold the note. Very amusing. *** - Trey on Piano ^ - Described as Tom and Trey's drunken country song. ^^ - No lyrics. With stop and start jamming. During the middle of the song, Trey introduces Tony and Russ and then introduces himself as the "Bad Leiutenant" on Guitar. He then asks how many people are going to Oswego this summer. After the HUGE response, he says, "It's gonna be cool!". ^^^ - Included a digital delay loop as well as Trey on keyboards. Before Symptom, Trey does a Techno rave jam on the keyboard. Tony says that Trey is practicing for his other job as a DJ. # - With Trey on small drum kit. Thanks to Ian Warda for the list!
5/14/99 - State Theatre, Portland, ME I: Instrumental (Minestrone??), Get Back On The Train, Circus Comes To Town, Snowflakes In The Sand, Water in the Sky, Farmhouse, Wolfman's Brother, Feel Like Making Love*, You'll Know My Name, Billy Breathes**, Runaway Jim, Kissed by Mist. II: First Tube, Will It Go Around In Ciecles, Gotta Jiboo, Heavy Things, Tops Off, Ooh Child, Sand > Drums, Voodoo Child E: Aqui Como Alla, I Can See Clearly Now > Last Tube * Trey notices the crowd is getting louder (and drunker) and comments he should play a song appropriate for the "ensuing drunken mayhem" at which point he plays the first verse and chorus of Bad Company's "Feel Like Makin' Love". The crowd sings the chorus with Trey. ** Trey on Piano.
5/13/99 - SUNY Binghamton Concert Theatre - Binghamton, New York I: Farmhouse, Get Back on the Train, Driver, Guyute, Kissed By Mist*, You'll Know My Name**, Mountains in the Mist, Wading in the Velvet Sea, Brian and Robert, Billy Breathes***, Sleep***, Blue and Shiny****, Waste**** II: Gotta Jiboo, Wind Cries Mary, Will It Go Round In Circles, Windora Bug, Further On Up The Road, First Tube -> Sand, Ooh Child -> Drums Duel^, Smells Like Teen Spirit^^, Silicon Fairy^^^ E: I Can See Clearly Now, Last Tube, Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown^^^^ * - again dedicated to Julia Butterfly Hill, with story told about her ** - Trey talks about how he just learned about the "Pub Crawl" last night. It's where all of the seniors who are graduating this weekend, go to every bar in the town, and have one beer from each. He wants to play the seniors something, so he plays this song. *** - Trey on piano **** - with Tom Marshall on vocals ^ - with Trey on small kit ^^ - Trey says that they are going to do one more song to close the set, so everyone starts screaming out their requests. As soon as it's quiet, and they're ready to go into "Silicon Fairy," someone screams out, "Teen Spirit" Trey quietly starts the opening chords, and then the rest of the band follows. They sing and play one verse, then end it laughing. Trey dedicates it to the guy who requested it. ^^^ - They all wish the best of luck to the folks graduating this weekend ^^^^ - dedicated to those Binghamton students participating in the senior pub crawl and would be catching the last hour after the show. Thanks to Julia Mordaunt, Jesse Jarnow, Evan Leon and Ill Grill Stites for the setlist!
5/11/99 The 9:30 Club - Washington D.C. I: Get Back on the Train, Farmhouse, Kissed by Mist, Snowflakes in the Sand, Bathtub Gin*, Sample in a Jar, Driver, **Name, Billy Breathes***, Sleep****, Blue and Shiny^ (50 min) II: Gotta Jiboo, Will It Go Round In Circles, First Tube, Ooh Child, Heavy Thing, Sand^^ > Drums Duel (12 min), I Can See See Clearly Now, Aqui Como Alla, Voodoo Child (1:10) E: Row Jimmy (9 min) * - dedicated to Susannah Goodman ** - Trey introduced "Mountains in the Mist" and began to talk about the fact that there is a trilogy of duologies; 3 pairs of songs related to each other ("Mountains in the Mist" and "Kissed By Mist", "First Tube" and "Last Tube" and "Windora Bug" and ") though he couldn't remember all three pairs and said "Take that to the Internet" ... [ Thinking about it, is there perhaps another duology ("Snowflakes in the Sand" and "Sand") which Trey possibly meant in place of one of the previously listed ones, or are these songs possibly part of a trilogy of songs, along with "Silicon Fairy" (silicon being a common element in sand) ... just a thought which occured to me - Rob ] ...in the end, "Mountains in the Mist" wasn't played, and instead Trey played what he called a new, real country tune, written in response to the crap on the radio; title is speculated based on the lyrics *** - Trey on piano **** - Trey described this night as being a night of drunken mayhem and brought out Tom Marshall who performed a few songs with him ^ - a brand new song (from the outtakes from The Story of the Ghost), described by Trey as one of his daughters favorites; also with Tom Marshall ^^ - previously known as "Pistol"; included a digital delay loop, as well as Trey playing keyboards during it Thanks to Ellis Godard & Rob Johnson for the setlists.
5/10/99 - Wolfe Auditorium, Asheville, NC I: Farmhouse, Velvet Sea, Get Back on the Train, "Real Country Song", Minestrone*, Strange Design, Snowflakes in the Sand, Kissed by Mist, Billy Breathes (piano), Roggae > TMWSIY, Possum II: The Wind Cries Mary, Further On Down the Road, Where They Hoped I'd Be, Round In Circles, Jiboo, It Doesn't Matter, Ooh Child, Windora Bug, Mozambique (?) Drums, Symptom E: I Can See Clearly Now *Trey has decided to keep the Minestrone name instead of Purple Hugh Thanks to Johnny for the post.
5/8/99 - Oscar Mayer Theater, Madison, WI I: Get Back On the Train, Purple Hugh (Minestone), Snowflakes in the Sand, Farmhouse, Alumni Blues*, Billy Breathes**, Mountains in the Mist, Chalkdust Torture, When the Circus Comes, Kissing By Mist, Fluffhead, Brian and Robert II:Bing Bong, Will it Go Round in Circles, Jiboo, Further On Up the Road, Tops Off(?), Ooh Child, Somartin, Aqui Comma Alla, Sand->Techno Jam-> Drums# Come On (Part 1), Bug%, Heavy Things (with band intros) E: Wind or a Bug, Voodoo Child * dedicated to the students about to start finals ** Trey on a grand piano, it was stopped and restarted, Trey was really struggling. He told a story about seeing Neil Young in Chicago and how Neil told him he should sing one song at the piano. He thanked the crowd for bearing with him numerous times. # w/Trey on small drum kit, Tony left the stage % also from the Farmhouse songwriting sessions with Tom Marshall (part of the 'Bug' dualogy. Thanked fans again for being so patient and letting Trey and Phish always try new things on stage. Thanks to Ted Kartzman for the phone call and for hacking into my system to type it in himself
5/7/99 - American Theatre, St. Louis, MO I: Get Back On The Train Song, Wolfman's Brother*, Farmhouse, Dog Stole Things, Bouncing Around The Room, Kissed by Mist, Mountain in the Mist, Guyute, Wading in a Velvet Sea > Prince Caspian, Instrumental**, AC/DC Bag II: Further On Up the Road#, Last Tube, Come On Baby, Lets Go Downtown, Joboo, Vodoo Chile, Ooh Child, Aqui Comma Alla, First Tube > Drums > Mozambique, I Can See Clearly Now E: ??, We'll Go Round In Circles, Pistol## *Trey broke down lauging in middle of guitar jam. Stopped song and told a story about first time he met Fishman **Trey talked about his friend Roger who got engaged onstage a Phish show at the American Theater. Roger came out and played a beautiful guitar duet that he wrote with Trey. They then broke into a rocking AC/DC #A tune Clapton does ## For the moniter-guy Thanks to Dan Conroe for the setlist!
5/6/99 - The Riviera, Chicago, IL I: Get Back On The Train, This is a Farmhouse, Purple Hugh, Sample in a Jar, Driver, Snowflakes in the Sand, Brian and Robert, When The Circus Comes, Mountains in the Mist, Punch You In The Eye* > Runaway Jim II: Bing Bong, Will It Go Round In Circles, Jiboo, Where They Hoped I'd Be#, Tops Off > I Can See Clearly Now, Pistol, Aqui Comma Alla, Ooh Child > Jam, Somartin, Wind Or A Bug, Come On (Part I) E: Silicon Fairy * - Trey whistled written guitar lines # - Tentative title based on lyrics After Snowflakes in the sand, Trey talked about how much he loved Chicago, and playing here..woohoo! Thanks to Josh Rude for the second set...
5/4/99 Murat Theatre, Indianapolis, IN I: Dirt, Dog Stole Things, Mountains in the Mist*, Snowflakes in the Sand, Purple Hugh**, Talk, Bathtub Gin***, Kissing By Mist****, New Train Song, Wading in a Velvet Sea, Chalkdust Torture II: (Melody?)^^^, First Tube, Ooh Child, Bell-Bottom Blues, Heavy Thing (new original), Wind (or Bug? new original), Somartin, Andre the Giant, I Can See Clearly Now, Pistol#, Drums Duel##, Voodoo Child E: Row Jimmy, Last Tube -> Downtown * Part of the mist series? (Formerly Bake & Boil) ** Formerly Minestone *** Audience humming chorus, and whistling ending, Trey thumbs up the crowd and says, "We'll be back in 4 years to play that again here" dedicated to Ali and Jesse, for naming the song "Ministroni" **** new song for Julia Butterfly Hill, a woman sitting in a tree named Luna in northern California for a year and a half to protest logging of the nation's forests (more info...) - lunatree.org ^^^ Billy Preston tune; title unknown # listed as Sympton last night ## there's a smaller drum kit to the left of the bass. duel was similar to Monday night's Thanks to Mike Noltner for passing on the word & Phish.Net/Ali McDowell for added info
5/3/99 Michigan Theater - Ann Arbor, Michigan I: Farmhouse, Snowflakes In The Sand*, Bake and Boil, Bouncing Around The room, New Intrumental, (Minestrone***), Guyute, ****Brian & Robert, Possum II: Ooh Child, Unknown Song (played at Higher Ground)**, Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown, Gotta Jiboo, Keyboard Solo (Trey), Then Came You^, First Tube, Symptom*, I Can See Clearly Now, Melody(possible title?)*, Drums Duel, Silicon Fairy* E: Mid-Tempo Instrumental**, Voodoo Child * - New song, first time played ** - Unknown; any additional information would be greatly appreciated *** - From Jesse Jarnow: "In the first set there was an untitled instrumental. Trey said that whomever posted the setlist first got to name it. In deference to aLi's misreading of the word "instrumental" on my setlist, we hereby request that the tune be named "Minestrone"." **** - Trey talked about reading on Sonicnet about his show at Higher Ground (2/15/99) and how they had allegedly played Voodoo Child at the show, when in fact they hadn't (perhaps Ooh Child was mistaken for Voodoo Child?), and talked about how the unknown songs would frustrate fans online. He then introduced the next song as being Voodoo Child (acoustic) and played Brian & Robert ^ - Philip T. Pugh and Sherman Marshall cover; also done by Dionne Warwick and The Spinners; first time played
Spring Waterfall*, Brian and Robert**, Dirt***, Billy Breathes****
* - instrumental; Trey on electric, Philip Glass on piano
** - with two other musicians; one on an exotic Tibetan flute, one on a harp-like instrument, Trey on acoustic
*** - Trey on acoustic; solo
**** - Trey on acoustic, Peter Kater on piano
Trey also sat in with Patti Smith and band for a group jam of "People Have the Power," which was the finale of the show.
Thanks to Robert Johnson Eric(Moedat) and Dan Estrin
I: (Trey Solo Acoustic) Dirt, Dog Stole Things, Runaway Jim, Brian & Robert, Guyute, Driver, Chalkdust II: (Electric w/ Russ & Tony) Come On Baby, Jiboo, Ooh Child, Chasin the Waste (F-hole), Tops Off, I Can See Clearly, Come On #1, Mozambique, Bell Bottom Blues, First Tube, Drums (w/ Trey on Small Set), Possum > Last Tube
E: Ribot, Row Jimmy, Pistol
Paul ran sound, Chris ran lights
Page, Mike, Fish & Tom were there but did not sit in.
Jeff Waful's JamBands.com Review
Thanks to CptTrip420@aol.com, Chip, Dave, and Jeff Waful!